Dimensions: Size 1 (film size equivalent) 37.7 x 25.35 x 7.8 mm / Size 2 (film size equivalent) 43.8 x 31.5 x 7.8 mm
Active Area: Size 1 (film size equivalent) 30 x 20mm / Size 2 (film size equivalent) 36 x 26 mm
Number of Pixels: Size 1 (film size equivalent) 1580 lines x 1050 pixels / Size 2 (film size equivalent) 1896 lines x 1368 pixels
Pixel Size: 19 x 19 µm
Theoretical Resolution: 26 lp/mm
Levels of Grey: 4096
Connection Type: High-speed USB 2.0
Sensor Cable Length: 3 meters
Warranty: Midmark DR Sensor (Bite-resistant) – Manufacturer defect as determined by Midmark for a period of 5 years. If there is a catastrophic event making the sensor not function, it will be replaced at no charge the first time.